B – The Underwater Bubble Show is a kid-friendly visual, musical, and emotional show that transports guests into an imaginary underwater world with a real feeling of being submerged in the ocean deep. The show follows Mr. B, a creature of modern habits who discovers an aquarium that appears like magic inside his briefcase and gradually becomes enchanted by the wondrous underwater world of Bubblelandia, full of seahorses, dragon fish, starfish, mermaids, and other creatures. The visually spectacular show incorporates the latest stage technology with lasers, low-ground smoke, and flying foam, stimulating waves and the underwater atmosphere.
Thurs. Nov. 9 - 7 pm @ the Paramount Theatre in Anderson, IN
Most seats $15, $32. Limited seating $65.
SPECIAL OFFER: 4 tickets for $100*
*Valid on $32 seats. Use code FOR100 to unlock discount. Standard fees apply.
Click HERE to Purchase Tickets
Enter to WIN 2 TICKETS!
Winner is Leah Townsend!! Congratulations!
Winner will be chosen on November 6th at 10pm.
*All entrants must be at least 18 years of age and a subscriber to Lafayette Macaroni Kid. See HERE for the complete list of rules.