

5526 State Road 26 E Lafayette, INEmail: Mom2Mom@faithlafayette.orgWebsite: Visit Website

Mom2Mom is a class designed for Moms with children of all ages. Each week our teaching team speaks to us on basic foundational truths from God's Word and gives us practical ways to apply these truths in real life situations.

When a mom joins Mom2Mom, she is assigned to a smaller table group that she will sit with every week. At each table group, there are Mentor Moms who are there to provide extra application and wisdom. The time spent in the table groups is meant to be a time for connection, relationship building with other moms, and accountability as we seek to apply what we are learning to our lives and our families.

For the 2024 & 2025 school year, we will be studying Biblical Priorities applied to Motherhood. We will look at how our speech, thought life, outward appearance, time management, and purity can reflect Biblical Priorities and God's values. We'll be learning how to practice godliness in those areas ourselves and also how to encourage our families and children to live godly lives as well.

So, whether you’re an expectant mom, a mom of teens, or somewhere in between, we invite you to learn along with us.

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)

Class time: Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm