
Advertising with Lafayette Macaroni Kid

Why Advertise With Lafayette Macaroni Kid?

✿ We connect you directly to your targeted audience—all subscribers are parents with kids (and even some grandparents& caregivers subscribe).

✿ You can easily change your ad

✿ We have over 10,000 subscribers to our weekly e-newsletter.  

✿ We produce the largest, most comprehensive family-friendly Events Calendar in the Greater Lafayette Area and parents check the Macaroni Kid website several times a week to look at activity listings. 

✿ Your advertisement will link directly to your website, and Macaroni Kid can track how many clicks that your site receives. 

✿ Advertising is affordable, flexible & local. 

Your ad is included in each weekly e-newsletter and appears throughout the full website.

✿ Macaroni Kid is a great FREE resource to families in our community.  

✿ We are highly involved in supporting our community.  

✿ Subscribers will appreciate your support of the newsletter!

✿ We utilize Facebook, TwitterPinterest, & Instagram to spread the word about your business

✿ The day you begin to advertise with us is the day we begin to work for YOU

To learn more, click here or email

We're Proud to Have Worked With These Local & National Businesses: (This is just a sample and is not meant to be an inclusive list.)