
Purdue GER2I

100 North University StreetBeering Hall 5113West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 7654947243
Business Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM M-FEmail: lee4482@purdue.eduWebsite: Visit Website

Centered at Purdue University, the GER²I is an innovative center dedicated to the discovery, study, and development of human potential. Founded by John Feldhusen in 1977, GER²I’s mission is the holistic development of giftedness, creativity, and talents among individuals throughout their lifespan.

GER²I is committed to cultivating the gifts, talents, and creativity of youth from PreK to 12th grade. We offer academic enrichment programs on Purdue’s campus year-round:

  •  Spring Super Saturday, a six-week program offered late January through early March for K – 8th grade students 
  • Super Summer, one- or two-week day camps offered mid-June for K – 4th grade students
  •  Summer Residential, one-, two-, or four-week camps offered in July for students in grades 5 – 12; requires evidence of the student’s high ability
  •  Fall Super Saturday, two Saturdays offered in early October for students in grades PreK to grade 5 and their parents, guardians, or other caregivers 

To learn more about GER2I and our youth programs, please contact us at