
GER²I Super Summer Day Camp

100 N UNIVERSITY STEmail: lee4482@purdue.eduWebsite: Visit Website

Super Summer is a program where bright kids in kindergarten (K) through fourth grade come to enjoy challenging courses with other academically, creatively, and artistically talented youth. Day-long, interdisciplinary courses are geared at least two grade levels above each student’s current school grade. Students will attend a full-day program of challenging, hands-on activities related to a central theme. Components from all disciplines will be included at every level, so each child will gain experience in engineering, math, science, social studies, art, and language arts, while working on open ended activities that require critical and creative thinking.

High-ability children think big thoughts. They make connections across disciplines and work to understand how ideas and concepts are related to each other. Rather than exploring just one topic, such as chemistry, the students will learn how chemistry plays a role in real life. They will explore such questions as: What chemical reactions occur in our ecosystem? Are they helpful or harmful? We look forward to seeing you this summer. Just bring a lunch, snacks, and your enthusiasm for learning with you!

June 10-21st



Ages: K-4th grade