
Mom's Club of Lafayette

Welcome to the MOMS Club® of Lafayette, IN.
The MOMS Club® (MOMS Offering Moms Support) is an international nonprofit organization which provides support to full-time or part-time stay-at-home moms, including moms with home-based businesses.

We are a group of Lafayette moms who want to make friends, socialize our kids, and be active in the community.  We are here to offer support and understanding to each other through the adventure of motherhood. Our activities include participation in local service projects, monthly social meetings and fun-filled activities for moms and children to enjoy together. All activities, outings, parties and projects are organized by volunteer moms and attended by moms and children of all ages.  You can pick and choose which ones suit your schedule best.  Some moms come to a lot of events, some to only a few.  It’s up to you!  Most of our activities are during the week, during the day, plus a monthly Moms Night Out.